My Bloody Valentine . . . in 3D!
So I watched My Bloody Valentine 3D tonight (or at least most of it). I was in projection at the movie theater where I work (it was another shitty, understaffed night, but enough about that) so I snuck down on my break to watch the movie with an audience. It was a lot of fun.
I haven't seen the original movie, but the remake has the feel of an 80's slasher, which is a genre I love (most modern horror films are too slick for my liking). It even has horror legend Tom Atkins! Following the very bloody prologue, the film cuts to ten years later (though for some reason star Jensen Ackles doesn't look like he's aged a day) and attempts to create some mystery about whether the new rash of killings are the work of the original, supposedly deceased, murderer or a copycat (the final reveal of the killer manages to be both predictable and illogical).
The 3D technology is well utlised for the (literally) eye-popping kills. And it has the most gratuitous nude scene I have ever seen, with Betsy Rue running around naked outside for four minutes. The film is played straight for the most part, but the more absurd scenes seem to knowingly wink at the audience.
What it doesn't have, is great acting, interesting characters or smart dialogue. So if you're not near a cinema showing it in 3D, I suggest giving this film a miss. But it's a good movie to see with an audience wearing the 3D glasses. I give it three bloody hearts out of five.
Jensen Ackles hasn't even aged since he was on Smallville either(let alone imaginaryly aging in movies). Must be the side effect people get when they sell their souls to the WB/CW network!
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