Friday, February 01, 2013

JJ Abrams is the chosen one!

So JJ Abrams is doing Star Wars. He's a safe pick that will make a good, if not remarkable movie. Would have rather had someone like Whedon or Fincher, but JJ should do fine. With Super 8 he showed he could imitate early Spielberg almost perfectly, so if he can imitate early Lucas, a whole bunch of disillusioned geeks will fall in love with Star Wars again. As a prequel fan, I hope their influence on the saga doesn't get tossed aside (postponing the 3D releases of Clones and Sith is not a good sign) but I'm sure I'll enjoy the movie as much as Abram's Star Trek. Now if Abrams can just take over Transformers from Michael Bay, he'll be the king of all sci-fi.
Oh well, back to working on the Imaginary Cinema Awards™ for 2012!


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