Thursday, July 01, 2010

Total Eclipse of the Heart!

Saw Eclipse at a screening at work before the midnight craziness began. It was the most action-packed of the series so far, yet also the most boring. The movie is basically a series of talking heads scenes, leading up to a big battle that has some cool moments but is over far too quickly. The trio of main characters are as unlikeable as they were in the last movie, and there's no Michael Sheen to enliven things in the last act as he did for New Moon. The other Volturi do make an appearance, but are underused. As is Bryce Dallas Howard, who has little to do before being literally shattered in the finale.
The only characters that get any development are Edward's "siblings" Jasper and Alice, who actually get some screentime and backstory. Jasper is actually quite a badarse when he trains the others in how to fight newborn vamps. There is some humour about whether Edward or Jacob is "hotter" and a tent scene that almost seems as if it's about to evolve into a threesome, but little else to keep the interest going during the downtime. I'm sure it'll please the fans once more, but after three blockbusters, one wonders who is going to see these movies other than fans of the books and girls (and guys) who want to ogle the hot boys. Maybe that's the only audience a film needs these days to break records.


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