Thursday, September 05, 2013

Dreddfully Good!

So I finally got around to seeing Dredd (thank you Netflix streaming!). For the most part it was huge improvement on Stallone's 1995 "epic". No Rob Schneider and Judge Dredd keeping his helmet on the whole time were the two main things in its favour. Karl Urban makes a badass Judge and the supporting cast was good, even if none of the characters were really developed. Olivia Thirlby is likeable as PSI Judge Anderson and Lena Headey makes a good villain as always. The violence is satifyingly brutal and there's some nice one-liners (though I would have liked more satire about the fascist future society a la Robocop).
The only real disappointment I had was that the film was a little too small scale (understandable considering it was rebooting a failed franchise). With a few minor changes the story could have taken place in any present day crime-ridden city. Mega City One seemed more futuristic and spectacular in the 1995 movie, whatever its flaws. But this Dredd is more true to the spirit of the comics and that's the important thing.
Even though it wasn't a hit, I hope they somehow find a way to make a sequel. I would love to finally see Judge Death on screen, and there's a lot more to explore in this world.


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