To all things an ending...
So, after 14 years, I've decided to retire this blog. It never really picked up the audience I was hoping for (and the website it was supposed to support is long gone) so there doesn't seem much point continuing it. I may still post my annual imaginary cinema awards, but there won't be any regular (or semi-regular) updates aside from that.
Just in case anyone does care about my opinion on movies, you can follow me on Twitter (@imaginarycinema) or check out my Letterboxd profile. I've made it my goal to watch every fantasy, horror and sci-fi movie of the last 100 years that sounds at least vaguely interesting, so there should be frequent reviews posted. I'm also going to focus more on my own screenplay writing, so maybe one day someone will be making a blog post about a movie that I wrote. So long and farewell, Blogger world!
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