Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Robocop . . . or Roboflop?

So this new Robocop trailer illustrates everything that's wrong with Hollywood's obsession with remakes/reboots. If the film's too close to the original, then what's the point? If it's radically different, then you piss off all the fans of the first one. Robocop 2014 seems to be going the latter route. Despite the impressive cast (Michael Keaton, Sam Jackson and Gary Oldman . . . in the same movie?!) it seems to lack everything that made the original unique. There's no satire, no ultra-violence (Murphy gets mortally wounded by a car bomb instead of being brutally shot to pieces . . . yawn) and the action looks generic. Maybe the final film will turn out better than the trailer, but I doubt it. Maybe it's time for an Occupy Hollywood where hungry young writers demand that producers start filming their original ideas instead of recycling old ones. Somebody should make a movie about that . . .


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