Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cloverfield Monster looked at me!

So I've finally seen most of Cloverfield, or The Blair Godzilla Project. It was actually pretty good, and the shaky cam didn't annoy me as much as I thought (it's actually made some people physically sick at the cinema I work at). I never believed the actors were real people for a moment, but then a film about a giant monster loose in New York isn't gonna fool anyone that it's a documentary. The scenes of mass carnage are pretty intense and the sound design (which shakes the whole theater) deserves an Oscar. I also saw the Star Trek teaser before the film and wasn't too impressed. It doesn't really show anything apart from sweaty men with blowtorches building the Enterprise. Apparently we'll have huge spaceships in the future but not robot workers.

I forgot to mention that I've also seen most of I am Legend. It looks like a more faithful adaptation of the book than the previous two films, though as always with films these days the CG monsters never fully convince. Will Smith can't quite shake his "Big Willie" persona, but he gives a fairly good performance as the last man on Earth. I probably would have watched both these films in one sitting if they hadn't been restricted for the first couple of weeks (which means no free staff passes). But the good thing about walking as an usher is I can see pretty much all of the films, at least in parts.


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